The great outdoors

The Advertising Foundations brief ‘The Great Outdoors’ directed me to develop a billboard concept for outdoor advertising to promote Melbourne, I chose to execute my design specifically for a metro-lights on trams.

In addition to this design, a written rationale is required to accompany the execution that documents my thought processes, presents my research and justifies my creative decisions and choice of media.


The global historical icon of Melbourne city is undoubtedly Flinders Street Station, and designing its dome to look like a burger was the idea for this execution. This idea is effective as it conveys the beautiful architecture of the building while also communicating along with other design executions in the pitch that Melbourne is food diverse and this is what makes the city great. [Sydney Morning Herald 2011]

The design was kept simple overall and designed like an icon, yet colourful and intricate with its line work to present the beauty of the architecture. More colours were focussed on the burger and its ingredients to be slightly more eye-catching, and the architecture is presented with the classic colour of the building.

The whole design is framed in a thick border with the burger popping out of the top to communicate it on a majestic scale. It is intended to be displayed on the trams that service Melbourne locals, it has been adapted for tram portrait sides that are 1400mm wide x 2100 mm length. The appeal is it provides the ability to display multiple advertising on each portrait board alongside a tram, but could also display various executions on multiple portrait boards across one tram too. It’s a great choice for advertising as trams are constantly travelling through the city past major shopping and business locations day and night.